The market for dietary supplements is very specific and has its communication limitations. That's why we were all the more eager to change visual identity for Kenay GmbH.

We started with visual analyses of the competition and the specifics of the market, trends, in order to use the spectrum of knowledge and conclusions to create a new image of the brand and its products on the German market.
We developed a communication concept and a graphic design for the brand logo as well as a brand book for the correct use of the logo.
The next step in the image transformation was to analyze and formulate recommendations for functional changes and visual communication on the client's website. We developed a model graphic for the website with a focus on promoting communication about the company's use of ecological solutions - glass packaging with metal closures and new product labels for vegans and vegetarians. We also created image graphics for the slider on the homepage to reinforce the new version of the brand and its communication.
The next phase of changes was to create the concept of the premium supplement and design its unique look. We used a new, ecological light printing technology to design the label. OLED is a paper-thin, recyclable lighting and display technology.​​​​​​​

The unique label of the PQQ supplement not only impresses with its design, but also with its functionality - thanks to the use of ultra-thin OLED material, you no longer have to remember or re-read the label to know how many capsules you need to take - now you press the button and you know!


The design of the new label was the beginning of the transfer of the same idea to the product on the Polish market under the name Ubiquinol V100 and the creation of premium products for both markets. So we designed new labels for several dietary supplements.
After the conversion of the products, we created image material, including animations presenting the products and the functionality of the OLED label.
Scope of work:
Brand rebranding, development of image changes on the German market, development of functional determinants and graphics for the website, design of new labels for the Premium product line, development of the concept and implementation of promotional spots, implementation of Premium line projects on the Polish market


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